查和 摄影师 硕士毕业于伦敦艺术大学纪实摄影专业。作品涉及绘画、摄影和视频等多种媒体。其作品探索图像和视频如何被搭建和重建,讲述隐藏的生活方式和情绪。寻找趣味与严肃,不可言说和显而易见之间的张力。
Chahe Chaherige is a Chinese multidisciplinary artist based in Shanghai. He works across a range of media including painting, photography and video. A BA in Oil Painting and experience as a journalist has informed his work, exploring how images and videos can be scaffolded and reconstructed to represent the hidden, deeper layers of people’s lifestyles and mindsets. In his work, he is seeking for the tension between playfulness and seriousness, and for things that are inexplicable and obvious.
LCC MA Photojournalism&Documentary Photography
For Portfolio Please E-mail: chaherige@outlook.com